The Museum of Tourism
One of the objectives of Greek Women in Tourism is founding and establishing the “Museum of Tourism” in order to preserve the key features of the evolution of tourism in Greece. The Museum will be the first of its kind in Europe and is expected to contribute significantly to the promotion of the country and especially to the promotion of Athens.
We aim at the new Museum of Tourism to collect, preserve and display in the most scientific yet functional way, the documents and the path followed over the last 60 years which comprise Greek Tourism. For the facilitation and development of this idea, the Greek National Tourist Organization (GNTO), is an active ally, as it has kept in its archives a large collection of artwork, posters, leaflets and other objects which decorated XENIA Hotels at the beginning of their operation. Likewise, many individuals and tourism business people have created personal collections over the years.
We have found support from museum scientists and professors or artists who unselfishly are willing to offer their knowledge to our cause.
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has also set under its auspices the Museum of Tourism and has granted the use of a building in the historic area of Thission for all the Museum purposes, a building which needs extensive restoration work.
The Tourism Museum Logo was created by Mr. Alekos Fassianos the renowned painter the world over.